Page 5 - Preacher of Righteousness Magazine | Mark Barclay Ministries
P. 5

My natural dad became sick when I was about seven, and he died when I was about ten. I grew up without a dad. I remember some things about him but not many. As I became a Christian, it was the number one desire of my heart to have a spiritual father who would treat me like a son.
In 1975, I met Dr. Roy Hicks Sr. at LIFE Bible College Los Angeles. For some reason, he adopted me and began to guide me and speak into my life. He was a spiritual father to me until he passed away in 2008.
He was there for me, and we became the very best of friends. When he grew old (in his late eighties), I would fly to California, just to sit with him and enjoy his fellow- ship. What a wonderful man of God. What a wonderful father he was to us. I am so grateful to have had him in my life all those decades.
In 1975, I met Dr. Kenneth E. Hagin. He actually gave me the time of day, as we say, and it blew me away. In my early years as a minister, we went to every meeting of his we could. He spoke into our lives and creased our soul with the integrity of the Word of God. He taught me about the prophet’s ministry and what I would face at the height of my ministry. I am so grateful. One time we sold all of our jewelry and drove from San Diego to Tulsa, just to be in meetings with him.
In 1976, I met Dr. John Osteen. I remember it very clearly. We were at a southern California faith meeting with him and Dr. Hagin. For some reason, he was in the foyer of the convention hall at his book table. I had gone to the restroom and was on my way back to my seat. As I walked past the product tables, he called me over and asked me if I was a preacher. I said,“Yes, Sir,
I am trying to be.” He said the Lord had just then spoken to him to help me. That day, supernaturally, he became my spiritual father, and I became his son. For almost thirty years he kept his word with me and was there for me, just like he promised. I cannot even begin to tell you how much I learned from this great God- fearing man.
I knew God was giving me fathers (to father me), but I also knew that this man was to be my pastor. There is a massive difference. Many times I wonder where I would be without him in my life. I am so grateful to have been so personally close to him. The day he went to Heaven,
I felt a void in my heart. My Elijah was gone. Many people, including many ministers, do not know the strength and supernatural power of having a pastor in their life.
In 1976, I met another highly anointed Bible man,
Dr. George Evans of San Diego. He was flowing so freely in the gifts of the Spirit and the prophet’s office. From the day I met him, I felt supernaturally connected to him. It took only a meeting or two, and he adopted me. I remember the day clearly. God was surely answering my heart’s cry for a dad.
Dr. Evans stayed with me, and I chased the anointing on his life for almost thirty-five years. He became my mentor and one of my very closest friends. What a great spiritual father he was to us. I feel so grateful to have had him in my life. From him I learned to pray and read the Bible every day of my life.
The first day I met Dr. Sumrall, he asked me if I would like to join him for a snack in his room after the meeting. I accepted, of course. He asked me that night if I would like to be his friend. I answered with a definite,“Yes, of course.” He said,“Well, there are two things you must know.”“No problem, what are they?” I asked. He said,
“I am a very opinionated man.”I answered with,“No problem here, Dr. Sumrall.” He said,“The second thing is that my opinion is always right.” I laughed—he didn’t!
I will be forever grateful to have had this great general in God’s army as a mentor and father. There are so many areas in which he fathered me. From him I learned all about the spirit realm and the demons that live there.

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